Every Day I Discover

something new, something I have not thought of doing before
I have a tiny application to play Mahjong on my desktop.
My winning rate has been decreasing, and I have thought that my eyesight might be also.
so - I have discovered that I can stretch the playing area, and thus see the characters very very clearly - I wonder if my winning percentage will increase?
I solve these sorts of problems, by posing a question in my mind
1.I cannot see this clearly
2, How could I make it so that I can see it more clearly?
3. First I could try stretching the playing area ..
and so on
I wonder how often others might use this technique also?
I guess that many do, because is not the Internet made up of vast coolections of answers to problems? That's why I use Google so often.
BUT -- I think that Google has been hijacked -very often when I click on a link some totally innapropriate page comes up. Then I have to go back and copy the page URL that I wish to explore. I wonder if Google know about this?


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