
Showing posts from 2010



Every Day I Discover

something new, something I have not thought of doing before I have a tiny application to play Mahjong on my desktop. My winning rate has been decreasing, and I have thought that my eyesight might be also. so - I have discovered that I can stretch the playing area, and thus see the characters very very clearly - I wonder if my winning percentage will increase? I solve these sorts of problems, by posing a question in my mind 1.I cannot see this clearly 2, How could I make it so that I can see it more clearly? 3. First I could try stretching the playing area .. and so on I wonder how often others might use this technique also? I guess that many do, because is not the Internet made up of vast coolections of answers to problems? That's why I use Google so often. BUT -- I think that Google has been hijacked -very often when I click on a link some totally innapropriate page comes up. Then I have to go back and copy the page URL that I wish to explore. I wonder if Google know about this?

I play in Second Life

and have a shop where, amongst other things , I sell textures, which I make from my own paintings and from images that I have discovered on the Web. The textures are usually seamless -that is they are able to be used in fabrics, without them looking awkward. I love Peacock colours -

oh yes

that blog is still at

Once upon a time I had a blog

attached to a website called, but I was somehow too shy to write anything on it. Why was that? partly it was because of the nature of the site - a commercial one, using a template, which was professionally prepared for me, at considerable cost. It had a good title, but how was I to use the blog -- for personal rambings, professional ones ?? I am migrating the site to Yahoo, once I get through the process of migrating the domain name - which takes some time Then I will feel freer, I think, to blog.